Trauma Therapy
Do you need trauma therapy, specifically? Have you said to yourself lately that, “I can’t do this anymore—something has got to change!” Are you reading or hearing about others who are experiencing PTSD symptoms, who are deeply sad or are experiencing anxiety and panic attacks, who are experiencing relationship problems, who suffer from low self-esteem, who feel unsafe, betrayed, stuck, or misunderstood...and you know exactly what that feels like?
When’s the last time you looked in a mirror and said to yourself, “You matter” and meant it?
“Normal” life has its ups and downs, but if you resonate with any of the above, you have probably experienced some very stressful or traumatic life event(s). These can overwhelm us and cause long-lasting distressing symptoms. There is no easy ‘manual-for-dummies’ on how to deal with the types of experiences that are so deeply hurtful and harmful--experiences like emotional and physical abuse, domestic violence, sexual assault, molestation, neglect, bullying, mental illness, substance abuse, or even the loss of a significant loved one. People try to tell us to “get over it,” but those types of experiences can be very difficult to navigate.
I understand; I’ve been there too.
I specialize in trauma therapy. I use trauma-informed approaches, like eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) and trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy (TF-CBT), among other evidence-based approaches, to treat, guide, and support clients through the healing process. These techniques work on the source of the problem(s) so you can heal, rather than just putting a band aid on the symptoms.
I also use ‘biopsychosocial’ (physical, mental, and social) education to help you understand yourself. I’ll teach you how to communicate better and set healthy boundaries with others and even yourself. I’ll help you understand how what you think, feel, and behave affects your life, and how to purposefully make effective changes.
I will help you work towards becoming the best version of yourself, so you can look in that mirror one day and say, “You matter!” and genuinely mean it.
Therapy can transform trauma. If you’re ready to start, I encourage you to give me a call for a free 15-minute phone consultation. I look forward to working with you!